Carbon Pricing Incidence Calculator
The Carbon Pricing Incidence Calculator facilitates socially responsible pricing policies by allowing the exploration of distributional consequences of carbon pricing and various compensation measures for 87 countries.
The tool was developed at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
Carbon Debt Explorer
This interactive tool developed at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is designed to deepen understanding and engagement among stakeholders about near-term climate ambition and fairness considerations. It compares emissions projections at the IAMC ten-region regional level against ‘fair’ allocations of a remaining carbon budget, offering insights into each region's 'carbon debt' and responsibility for overshoot in the year 2050.
Carbon Budget Explorer (beta version)
The Carbon Budget Explorer a free and open-source online dashboard that allows users to explore climate targets under different conditions around the globe, as well as various climate policy pathways and how differing views on fairness lead to different emission allocations for individual countries.
This tool is developed by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in collaboration with the Netherlands eScience Center.
Climate Policy Database
The Climate Policy Database is a collaborative effort maintained by NewClimate Institute to track policy adoption and identify global and national policy coverage gaps.
The Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium (IAMC) Model Documentation Wiki provides harmonized model documentation and a model comparison tool, as part of the effort to contribute to transparency of pathways and modelling tools.
The IAMC wiki is hosted by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.