Main Objectives
ELEVATE’s main aim is to develop new scientific insights to support the preparations of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and national climate policies focused on achieving net-zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. The project is developed by a transdisciplinary consortium of national and international climate research teams interacting actively with policymakers and other stakeholders in climate policy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project features the following contributions:
Establish and facilitate strong interaction between researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders;
Identify transformational policies to accelerate climate action beyond NDCs and towards net-zero by conducting a systematic assessment of the impact of current policies;
Enhance the scientific understanding of the technological and behavioural options in different sectors;
Identify options to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of international climate governance and policy;
Represent justice and sustainability in climate mitigation pathways;
Develop a new generation of national and global mitigation scenarios that focus on enabling factors;
Develop consistent definitions of net-zero emission goals and identify milestones, drivers and barriers towards achieving these;
Increase worldwide capacity for scientific support for climate change policies.
ELEVATE’s main activities are structured in eight work packages:
WP1: Stakeholder interaction - Enhanced mutual learning and co-design
WP2: Evaluation of NDCs and current policies and implications for future post-2030 policies
WP3: Technological and behavioural aspects of sectoral transformation
WP4: International governance and policy
WP5: Ensuring a just and sustainable transformation
WP6: Integration and net-zero scenarios
WP7: Communication, dissemination, and capacity building
WP8: Management